Message of Our Lady of Fatima
Our Blessed Mother came to Fatima to help us remember what we have forgotten.
“We must stop offending God because He is already too much offended.”Fatima is a school of prayer, a school introduced by the most tender, holy and loving of mothers, who calls us to hear and to respond to her requests.
Our Lady taught us many things during the July 13th apparition to the three shepherds of Fatima. Many believe the message of Our Lady of Fatima was a message for children. But the world has learned that this profound message was presented to children, and then taught to adults.
Children of the Eucharist has broken down how to live the message of Fatima in 5 Easy Steps.
It is easy for teachers and parents to teach their students and children an easy way to live the message of Our Lady and become ‘Missionaries of her Immaculate Heart.’Read and Learn the message of Our Lady of Fatima here: https://worldrosary.org/message-of-fatima/
Learning the message then learning to LIVE IT will help you and those you love to grow into a devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which will lead you and those you love into a loving Eucharistic relationship with Jesus.
We have found that breaking the message down into 5 Easy Steps is an easy way to learn and live this message from our Heavenly Mother, rather than simply regarding ‘FATIMA’ as a story.

First of a kind –
One Promise and 5 Easy Step Program
for Parishes, Schools and Families, Everyone!Step One – Morning Offering – Click here
Step Two – Eucharistic Adoration – Click here
Step Three – Entrustment to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Click here
Consecrate yourself and the entire family to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.Step Four – Sign of Entrustment – Click here
Step Five – Most Holy Rosary – Pray the Rosary every day! Click here
If you wish to learn more Children of the Eucharist, Young Missionaries of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and their ‘5 Step Program’ of how to LIVE THE MESSAGE OF FATIMA. Keeping in mind the program was designed for children, but Our Lady shared it with ALL of her children. Young and Old.
One of our goals in this WorldRosary2020 initiative is to help others to see and to ponder how they can offer Reparation for sins and offenses committed against the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, and to help bring MERCY into our broken world.
Children of the Eucharist ~ Young Missionaries of the Immaculate Heart of Mary are overjoyed to have the opportunity to share with you, your family etc. the time, talent and treasure that it took to develop the ‘One Promise and 5 Easy Step’ program of the ‘School of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.’
This school is an excellent resource for teachers and parents to learn and to teach children and their families the message of Fatima.
To learn more about our Children’s program, please visit www.childrenoftheeucharist.org
NOTE: The ‘School of Mary’ on our worldrosary2020.org menu is about who she is as
a loving teacher to her children. The School of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is how to put into
action her requests at Fatima that will one day help us all to gain eternal life in ‘Heaven.’